Budapest, Hungary | 15-17 November 2023
ECNAIS Seminar “School leadership and school management in independent schools” was held in Budapest, Hungary, from 15 to 17 November 2023. This Seminare has been organized in good cooperation with the Hungarian member of ECNAIS, AME – Association of Hungarian Independent Schools. In the opening session we had speeches from Zsuzsanna Naderi - AME co-chair, Rodrigo Melo - ECNAIS Chairman.
On November 16th, the first day of Seminar, we had a presentation of the History and culture of Budapest by Györgyi Groszmann and Emma Lelle Füleki. Roel Schoonveld made a presentation about The importance of a good school leader for a school. Gábor Halász spoke about Sate schools, non-state schools and educational entrepreneurs and Anikó Kovács spoke about (SCHOOL) LEADERSHIP TODAY. On the the afternoon we had a panel discussion about school leadership with participation of Mr. Domonkos Mikulás, Ms. Irén Nagy Dr. István Görgényi, Ms. Paula Csete and Dr. Gábor Halász. After that, we had the working group sessions about: recruitment and selection; succession; organization structure.
On November 17th, the last day of the Seminar, participants had school visits to Kürt Alapítványi Gimnázium; Alternatív Közgazdasági Gimnázium, Szakgimnázium és Általános Iskola - AKG; Brit-Magyar Kéttannyelvű Angol-Magyar Általános Iskola; Zöld Kakas Líceum; Európa2000 Gimnázium and "Carl Rogers" Személyközpontú Óvoda és Általános Iskola. On the afternoon, we had a panel about Good Practices from 3 countries: Bulgaria - Annie Angelova and Radka Karagyozova; Romania - Christian Comsa and UK - Phil Soutar.
During the oficial dinner on Friday, we had beautiful presentations from students of performing art schools Kiss Zenede, Triola and Kozármislenyi AMI.