Istanbul, Turkiye | 9 -11 April 2025

Istanbul, Turkiye |9 -11 April 2025

The registrations are still open for the first event within the ECNAIS/EFEE partnership.

As we informed you previously, after the first announcement we have received registrations in such an extent, that all the spots eligible for reimbursement have been filled. The first registration form has now been closed.

EFEE is now launching a new registration form for those who would still like to attend the event while covering their own costs. The new registration form is available here:

The registrations are open for the first event within the ECNAIS/EFEE partnership ( It is a Peer Learning Activity of the TeachProgress project. This in-person event  will take place in Istanbul, on the 10th and 11th of April 2025, and will focus on exploring the leadership-oriented career opportunities for teachers and the role of education employers in making the teacher career more flexible. We are very excited to meet you all in Istanbul and share your insights on this important topic.

official invitation  


Please review the Travel Policy before registering. Registrations will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, while ensuring geographical balance.                                                                                                                      Please register as soon as possible by entering this link:


ECNAIS Annual General Meeting

The ECNAIS Annual General Meeting (open for official ECNAIS members only) will take place on the 9th of April, from 16:30 to 19:00.                                                                                                                                                    If you are going to attend the ECNAIS General Assembly, please do not forget to tick the box when you register for the Peer Learning Activity.

As you may see in the calendar, the official event ends on Friday 11th April, at 13:30. An activity may be organised in the afternoon, but it is still not certain. More information on whether or not it will be organized will be available as soon as possible.
